Inground Pool Benches

Inground Pool Benches

A pool bench is a great feature for those who like to relax in the water. Whether you want to sit and soak in the sun, or stay cool while the kids swim, a bench is a solid add-on that many homeowners enjoy. Depending on the size and shape of your pool, you can customize the amount of bench space you have to fit your needs. For example, some homeowners opt for a wrap-around bench throughout the whole pool. Others may opt for 1 or 2 benches placed in the shadier corners. The pool specialists at G & S can help you find the right style for your unique needs.

Pool Benches & Accessibility

Pool benches can be an important accessibility option for your backyard. They make it easier for elderly or disabled individuals to use the pool safely. They are also great for sitting and moving legs for physical therapy or water aerobics.

Choose From A Variety Of Pool Bench Options

G&S Pools offers a wide variety of bench styles for your inground pool. Pool benches can extend from your stairs or stand on their own. When you are considering a pool installation, consider adding a bench to your plan. Talk with your pool installation specialist about bench placement options for your pool.